From beginner to Intermediate and Advanced Level.
Introduction to basic python with fundamental data structure, loop and condition, function and class, numpy, scipy, pandas and matplotlib.
View DetailsData structure in python (e.g., Array, Linked List, Tree, Graph) and Algorithms (e.g., Iteration, Recursion, Dynamic Programming, Divide and Conquer)
View DetailsMachine Learning with Scikit Learn library (e.g., Linear regression, classification and Clustering) and Deep learning with Tensorflow and Pytorch.
View DetailsQuantum Computing and Quantum Information with quantum circuit, quantum algorithms, quantum simulation and quantum machine learning.
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Our live training classes from past coding schools are also recorded and organized in youtube channel.
Summer School, 2019 Winter School, 2020Who are in extremely love with our training and coding style.
Scipy with Numpy provides an excellent numerical computing libraries for differential equations, integration, root finding, interpolation, fitting etc.
Introduction to Big Data application with MongoDB, Neo4J, Elastic Search etc. Building application in cloud incorporate the knowledge of both cloud and big data algorithms.
End to end Natural Language Processing on the abstract submitted for yearly ANPA conference. We cerated the word cloud and frequency plot in the map shape of Nepal.
This project is culminated by the effort of weekly discussion on Quantum algorithm and Quantum Machine Learning. This includes the diverse packages e.g., QisKit, Ocean, NetworkX, Pyquil, Quirk etc.
Simulation of various models in Machine Learning with Graoh data and models from Condensed matter physics. Markov chain Monte Carlo Algorithm is very famous for sampling a system represented by Hamiltonian.
Optimization is the core of most of the Machine Learning Porblem and algorithms in Artificial Intelligence. Some of the famous Optimization techniques are Gradient descent, SGD, Simulated Annhealing, MiniMax, Genetic Algorithm.